Monday, March 2, 2015

DTE Not Turning Off Transmitters on All Opt-Out Meters

We already have one definitive report that DTE does not turn off the radio-transmitter on all its opt-out meters. This meter continued to transmit, even after DTE came out, supposedly turned it off, and put a "Radio-Off" sticker on the meter. The homeowner measured the transmissions with a highly sensitive RF meter, and it was pulsing constantly, just as much as the neighbors' smart meters.

We just received a second report via Facebook: "Wanted to share my most recent experience. As you may remember, DTE replaced our meter last month against our wishes. I called and arranged for someone to come out this afternoon to remove the transmitter, which required me to take time off work. They were to arrive between 12:00 and 4:30. Imagine my surprise when I arrived home at 11:55 to find that they had already come and gone. Even more concerning, there was a dusting of snow on the ground, showing footprints that walked into my backyard, looked into my doorwall and walked back out of my yard...after putting a "transmitter off" label on my meter. Those footprints did not stop in front of the meter. They did not even face the meter, so it's obvious that a label was simply slapped on as he walked past. I am now concerned that the transmitter was not removed at all. If you got stuck with a meter, and you requested that the transmitter be removed, PLEASE take the ENTIRE day off so that you can be there to actually SEE if it was removed. That was why I took time off from work - to actually watch them remove the transmitter. Now, I'm in limbo, and it's a horrible place to be."

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